24 December 2011

Lady Winwoods What?

Very excited about my latest commission piece - local band Lady Winwood's Maggot have asked me to create them as a cartoon piece, along with Geoffrey the Rabbit!

Not sure what Geoffrey should look like, but a tattooed bunny is gonna look the business!!!

5 November 2011

Christmas cartoon completed

Well, that's the last of the details in place for this year's Tansha Christmas card, and must say, I'm pleased with the result.

I think my favourite part of this piece is Mrs Santa, as female forms don't tend to show up in my cartoons quite as often as burly, fighting types!

The elf rabble also came out very well and I think the colours all complement each other very well too!

27 October 2011

Marauding Elf Pack

To accompany Mrs Santa on her bike, we have a pack if elves, scrapping to be first in line for their Christmas kiss!

All created as vectors, which makes it nice and easy to fine-tune the colours and layout once complete.

Next step - finish the bike!

8 October 2011

Fighting elves and other goings on!

A very productive afternoon has culminated in the creation of a pack of elves, fighting for the affections of Mrs Santa, whilst Rudolph looks on.

Next stage is to vectorise this pencil mob!

1 October 2011

Mrs Santa

Ok, finally have some rough pencils down in place for Mrs Santa on her vintage bike - although not too sure how 'technically accurate' my sketch is all you bike fans!

I also think that maybe the bike is a little bit big, but the beauty if creating her as a vector means I can fine tune all that later!

14 September 2011

Christmas Cartoon 2011

Well, it's that time of year again to begin work on the next Christmas cartoon for Tansha, club magazine of the VJMC.

This year, I thought we might introduce the motorcycle world to 'Mrs Santa' - watch this space for more updates soon!

12 June 2011

Cartoon Pirates

Hoist up the mainbrace and fasten the sails! The pirate cartoons are now live and can be viewed in the portfolio section of the website.

10 May 2011

Pirate Colour Completion!

At last, after juggling all of my other jobs, I found a little time to get the base colours completed on the pirates! I've also been able to fine-tune my outlines a little, as they always seem to look different once you've added the colour!

The next step is to complete the shading - although Bo'sun Barry isn't far off completion, as I managed to get his shading done a little earlier. All that remains now is the final shading and they'll be ready to sail the high seas - Hargh Jim-lad!

13 April 2011

Pirate Colours!

Our pirates are now really starting to take shape. Bo-sun Barry now has all of his colours in place and is awaiting some shading and el capatano isn't too far behind!

3 April 2011

Lines have now been drawn!

The vector lines have now been completed and our pirates are looking pretty fierce and ready to rule the high seas! The beauty of the vector lines being that we've some very crisp outlines and also allows me to make any last minute edits!

7 March 2011

Pirate Pencils!

Pencils for the first three pirates are now complete and I'm now moving onto vectoring the outlines. We have Peg-leg Pete, bosun Barry and the Captain!

Quite pleased with these initial outlines and due to the beauty of vectors, I can fine-tune any squiffy bits at this stage. Once complete, I can begin adding in the colours.

26 February 2011

Pirates... HARGH!

For my next series of cartoons, I am working on some pirates! Why pirates? Well, they're pretty cool, plenty of scope for character and lots of room for silliness!

I'm thinking initially we need a pirate captain, a first mate and possibly a member of the crew up to no good. Peg-legs and eye-patches a plenty, watch this space for more updates!